Keep Cool This Summer with Fruit-Infused Water

Keep Cool This Summer with Fruit-Infused Water

Montana Morgan
eSomethin’ Staff 

With summer quickly approaching, it would be nice to know a few different ways to stay hydrated.

Fruit-infused water is becoming wildly popular and has been seen around school. Fruit-infused water is just slicing up some of your favorite fruits to add to your water!

Common fruits used in these recipes are lemons, limes, oranges, strawberries, and watermelon. Each fruit or herb is beneficial in its own special way.

For example, lemon water helps your immune system function properly, strawberry water is antioxidant and has anti-inflammatory benefits, and watermelon water can help keep our skin hydrated and rejuvenated!

With detox water, you can just get creative! You can add things like ginger, mint leaves, basil, blueberries, cucumbers, etc!

Detox water is a very fun, refreshing way to keep cool and hydrated during the long and hot summer months.

Linked below is one of my favorite combinations so far.


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