Allyson Parks
eSomethin Staff

As the year comes to a close, so do the sports. 2017-2018 girls lacrosse had an excellent season. The season was full of excitement and determination. Caroline Schoen, a Junior stated, “After losing 8 seniors last year we weren’t really sure what to expect.. we all clicked and we all agreed that this season would be really good.”
On May 9th, 2018 the girls had a game to raise money for Pediatric Cancer. With a double-overtime win, the team raised $2,500 for Pediatric Cancer. Katie McCullough, a junior, scored the winning shot at this game. When asked about her thoughts on scoring the winning shot, she said, “It’s honestly indescribable, like just the rush of emotion and kinda the overall excitement is a lot to handle, even for our whole team like, St Ursula is one of our biggest competitors so winning against them is huge for us.”

Junior, Emma Carter who is the captain of the team, when asked about the season, she stated, “Throughout the season we we’re trying to find our chemistry…I feel like we are really close as a team which helps with each win and each loss because we know what we need to work on and constantly improving.”
Overall this season the girls did an excellent job at making Perrysburg proud. With their teamwork and dedication, they will exceed though out their next years here at PHS.
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