Go Go Go see Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat!

Go Go Go see Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat!

Sophia Walcher and Jacob Prokup
eSomethin Staff

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This week, consider seeing the school musical Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat! The musical chronicles the story of Joseph (Grant Hayward), a man who receives dreams of the future from God. Told by a series of narrators (Katie Sanderson, Sarah Mgebroff, Abbey Perkins), Joseph is sold into slavery by his jealous brothers. After being thrown into jail by his master Potiphar (Noel Blewitt) for fraternizing with Potiphar’s wife (Alaina Reimer), Joseph uses his gift of vision to rise above the odds and work his way up to becoming the Pharaoh (Bennett Bernhoft) of Egypt’s right-hand man.

Joseph and the Amazing Color Dreamcoat is unique in the fact that it is a musical that contains music from multiples genres: western, rock and roll, jazz, Charleston, calypso, etc. that will keep the audience engaged from the opening scene to the final bow. Uptempo dances and an imposing set help bring the famous story of Genesis to life. The children’s chorus adds an extra breath of life to the show, along with a lively pit orchestra.

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat will be performed in the high school auditorium. There will be performances at 7:30 pm April 19-21st, and at 2:30 pm April 20-21st. Tickets are $14 and are sold both online and at the door

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