What PHS Did Over Thanksgiving Break

What PHS Did Over Thanksgiving Break

Allyson Parks and Montana Morgan
eSomethin Staff

Did you have a great Thanksgiving break? Did it feel like it just came and went?  Maybe you were visiting family or watching the Ohio State @ Michigan game. Here are some of PHS Thanksgiving break stories:

We asked teachers and students what they did over break and got a lot of the same answer– food and family. Chris Stein, an American History teacher, summarized his break by saying “Lots of family, a lot of friends and coaching basketball.”

Junior Reyann Kruger said, “I went to my grandma’s house and I ate food and I played a lot of softball. I did a lot of homework. My break wasn’t that interesting.”

Others watched the Presidential Thanksgiving, “We watched the Trump Thanksgiving and made fun of Drumstick [the turkey pardoned by President Trump]…Black Friday was the best, even with the long lines and standing in the freezing cold,” said Madison Fisher, a junior.

Some people left the state like senior Gabrielle Smith, who stated, “I went to Miami, Florida, and laid out so I guess that was kinda fun.”

Even though the break was short-lived, people got to see and hang out with family and friends. It was fun while it lasted but just think! Only 3 weeks until winter break!

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