By Chelsea Fisher
eSomethin Editor-In-Chief
On Saturday, December 9th the Perrysburg hockey team is hosting a fundraiser to beat childhood cancer. The hockey players and managers are selling tee shirts for $13 during lunches in the commons or at this link as a fundraiser. A portion of each will go to support the fight against childhood cancer.

Orders will be accepted until Nov. 27 online. See a hockey player or manager during lunch for details on how to order. There is also free admission to the game for PHS students.
There will also be a poster to sign and gold ribbons given out at the game. Both are great chances to show your support. Even if you do not buy a shirt here at the high school, please wear gold to show your support on Saturday. The game is at BGSU at 9:30, home versus Lake. There will also be a Spirit Bus, free of charge, that leaves from the student parking lot at 8:30. Sign up in the main office by December 7th.
“We know that cancer is a worldwide epidemic and we know that this is just one hockey game, but we are passionate about doing our part no matter how small that may be,” Said head coach Kevin Fisher.
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