PASA Sober Tailgate

PASA Sober Tailgate

By Chelsea Fisher
eSomethin Editor-in-Chief

PASA stands for Perrysburg Alternatives to Substance Abuse and every year they hold a “Sober Tailgate” at the high school’s homecoming football game.

The 2016 PASA tailgate

PASA is affiliated with Prevention Partners and is a student-run group dedicated to keeping kids busy and entertained with safer activities to help keep them from being tempted by drugs and alcohol. It is not directly affiliated with the school so students from PENTA and other near by schools are also welcome to join. PASA is huge in volunteer and community work, such as working with kids and animals around town. They have a booth at the high school’s Curriculum Fair, Frosh Fest, and Mardi Gras.

The sober tailgate is an annual event held at the homecoming football game. There is face painting, colored hairspray, and free food. This year it is on October 6th in the grassy field next to Steinecker Stadium.

“The tailgate is something that Prevention Partners and McDonald’s collaborate on to put on. We really want to have it for both the school and the families to show that you don’t need drugs or alcohol to have a genuinely fun time and you can still  get hyped for something like the homecoming football game,” said PASA advisor Kayla Maroney.

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