By Chelsea Fisher
eSomethin Staff
Imagine being in third grade and coming home to find out your mother has had a heart attack. She recovers, but will suffer complications for the rest of her life. This was my experience.

Today, as many of you know, is national Wear Red for Women Day. This morning I got into an argument about why it is specifically “for women,” it inspired me to write this article.
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in both sexes; however, it claims a woman’s life roughly every 80 seconds. According to the American Heart Association, women also suffer more from the after effects of heart attacks and heart disease, such as diabetes, heart failure, and depression. Heart disease kills more women than every cancer combined. The American Heart Association’s Go Red day advocates for more research and action taken related to female cardiac disease.
The Women’s Heart Association is also encouraging more women to get educated with “#GetHeartChecked” and “Fight The Lady Killer.” Heart disease kills women of every race, every background, and every age.According to Heath Bistro, a website about women’s health, scientists still aren’t sure why heart attacks are so different in men and women, but that doesn’t mean we can’t fight it.
Share your support on social media with #GBGoesRed and #WearRedForWomen
More By Chelsea Fisher
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