Download Movies and Shows from Netflix

Download Movies and Shows from Netflix

Ally Parks
eSomethin staff

On November 30th, 2016, Netflix came out with an update that allows you to download movies and tv shows and watch them offline.

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It works on the app and online. Although you can’t download Disney movies and shows, you still have a variety of choices including, Stranger Things, The Flash, Supernatural, Breaking Bad, Grey’s Anatomy and more!  Now you can binge your favorite show on the go! The one major negative is that there is a time limit which is 48 hours. But you can re-download them!

To download a show in the app you first have to update the app and then when you open the app it should go through an introduction on welcoming the downloading feature. After that, there should be a new tab in the sidebar that says “Available for download” under home but the app will take you there right away from the introduction. Also in the sidebar, there should be another tab that says “my downloads” under notifications. You do need wifi or cellular data to download the show you want to watch but after it is downloaded then you can turn off cellular data and watch away!

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Netflix has just upped its game. This update is possibly the best thing to happen in Netflix history. Try it out for yourself today!





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