By Izzie Knestrick
eSomethin Staff
As everyone knows, I’m sure, the time to vote is just around the corner, and of course, there are many eager seniors in the high school who are prepped and ready to cast their vote! Beside the fact that we get to have a day off of a school just for this occasion, voting can still be fun, right? Also, if you haven’t registered just yet, you are in luck! The tips and info are all right here as well!
We had the opportunity to interview some seniors that were eligible to vote, and here is what some of them had to say!

Senior Jessica Recker took just a few seconds to talk with us about if she was voting, and why. Recker explained, “I’m not voting because I didn’t register.” She then further discussed with us that she simply just did not have the desire to vote.
Senior Kyle Elmer
Next, we interviewed senior Kyle Elmer. “I’m not voting because I don’t like any of the candidates.” We then asked him that if there were better candidates, would he vote? He answered yes.
Seniors Leah Tilton and Cameron Clark
Finally, we interviewed seniors Leah Tilton and Cameron Clark. We firstly asked Clark some questions about why she was voting or why she was not, in which she replied with that she was not voting, and then stated why, “I just think they’re (the candidates) both immature and I don’t think we should have an immature president.”
Tilton gave her position on voting. She answered that she was voting, and then explained, “I feel like both candidates are both immature and irresponsible, but I think I’m going to vote for Trump.”
Now, if you are someone who has not registered to vote and you are not sure on where to go or where you should start, there is no need to fret. It’s all right here!
Firstly, you need to know if you are eligible, and heres how you’ll know!
Eligible if:
- Live in the precinct where you vote for at least 30 days prior to the election
- Are at least 18 years old by Election Day
- Are a resident of Ohio
- Are a U.S citizen
Not Eligible if:
- You have been declared incompetent for voting purposes by a probate court
- You are incarcerated (in prison or jail) for a felony conviction under the laws of this state, another state, or the United States
- You have been permanently disenfranchised for violating the election laws
Now, the voting registration deadline was October 11th. So if you’re like most students at the high school, start thinking ahead about voting in 2020. Enjoy it, and be apart of it!
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