Homecoming Proposals

Homecoming Proposals

Chelsea Fisher
eSomethin Staff

Many of you noticed the huge amount of homecoming proposals around school. From flowers and chocolates, to signs, to giant teddy bears, couples around the school found creative ways to ask one another to the dance.

Seniors Chloe Brush and Connlly Isaacson
Chloe Brush and Connlly Isaacson
Andrew Hogle and Marine
Andrew Hogle and Marine Tristant
Eishat Ahmed and Sam Faehnle
Eishat Ahmed and Sam Faehnle
Emma Baumgartner and Karter Seitz
Emma Baumgartner and Karter Seitz
Abby Yeater and Cody Bartels, “We went into the living room and this giant stuffed bear (which is almost as tall as me) is sitting on the couch with a box of cookies and brownies from Insomnia! Of course I said yes!”
Grace Davis and Marcus Doore
Grace Davis and Marcus Doore
Jordan Mohler and Zach Welch
Jordan Mohler and Zach Welch
Katie Morelli and Griffin Parrill
Katie Morelli and Griffin Parrill
Meg Mckee and Evan Thomas
Meg McKee and Evan Thomas
Bon Romp and Livie Thornberry
Bon Romp and Livie Thornberry
Carson Vrzal and Grace Crisenberry
Carson Vrzal and Grace Crisenbery
Grace Deraad and Spencer Murray
Grace DeRaad and Spencer Murray
Jenna Koskinen and Lincoln Bockbrader
Jenna Koskinen and Lincoln Bockbrader
Jordan Lamdon and Ethan Amstutz
Sophomores Jordan Lambdin and Ethan Amstutz
Julia Irwin and Ian Riddle
Julia Irwin and Ian Riddle
Lexi Moehling and Drew Paule
Lexi Moehling and Drew Paule
Lydia Elligner and Will Fulmer
Freshmen Lydia Ellinger and Will Fulmer, “He knew I loved science and went to science camp. His consideration made me smile.”
Megan Smith and Oliver Durham
Megan Smith and Oliver Durham, sophomore homecoming court
Mr. and Mrs. Horen
Mr. Matt Horen and his wife,  Mrs. Holly Horen
Harrison Kania and Taylor Eureste
Harrison Kania and Taylor Eureste, “We are both die hard Pokémon fans!”

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