Features Senior Superlatives Class of 2016 Senior Superlatives May 20, 2016May 25, 2016 kfranck Best Smile Patrick Reymann and Katie Menke Best Hair Sereen Jemma and Chaz Westfall Best Eyes Bri Boyd Best Eyes Blake Rock Cutest Couple that Never Was Jeet Shaha and Caroline Bartholomew Cutest Couple Evan Conley and Gabby Zysik Best Person to Bring Home to Your Parents Katie Menke Best Person to Bring Home to Your Parents Blake Harves Biggest Flirt Josie Fowler and Matt Stacy Best Dressed Katie Volschow and Evan Conley Teacher’s Pet Erika Joldrichsen and Chaz Westfall Most Likely to Go Pro Trevor Hafner and Josie Fowler Most Likely to be a Millionaire Meric Pope Most Likely to be a Millionaire Allie Kemp Best Nickname Matt Davidson (Slim) and Caroline Bartholomew (CBart) Most Artistic Noah Hazelwood and Moira Sams Most Likely to be Famous Emma Hayward and Soliman Dastagir Most Likely to be President Allie Kemp and Jacob Waller Worst Case of Senioritis Lupita Mendez Worst Case of Senioritis Robert Olson Best Girl Friends Ellie Schoen and Madison Williams Best Guy Friends Patrick Reymann and Trevor Hafner Most Prominent on Social Media Lauren Hess Most Prominent on Social Media Matt Stacy Best Laugh Sierra McDowell and Patrick Reymann Most Out Going Mariette Friedrich and Josh McGee Class Clown Chase Banks Class Clown Bri Boyd Best Car Ariana Ahmetaj and Zak Miller Share