By Sean Wyrembelski
eSomethin Staff
On Friday, Oct. 2, Perrysburg was “rocked” by offensive messages from Anthony Wayne students.
Students from Anthony Wayne painted over the rock outside of Perrysburg High School late Thursday night. However, rather than painting message about a friendly football rivalry, some Perrysburg students were offended the paint covered the RIP Ricky Colon sign already on the rock. By Friday morning, more paint was added to the rock, showing #RC in large purple letters.
It’s obvious the AW students were motivated by the football game schedule for that Friday.
Gavin Wimbish, a freshman at PHS this year, commented on the situation by saying he was, “Pretty disappointed they went over the #RC paint.”
Senior Morgan Casey also commented on the graffiti, saying the paint was “inappropriate.” Casey said AW students crossed the line when they graffitied more than just the rock, spreading paint onto the sidewalks as well.
Dr. Michael Short, the PHS principal, offered this statement to eSomethin after the incident: “The rock is there for expression. It is common that other schools come and paint on it to further rivalries and sometimes create rivalries. Could they have used something other than the vulgar language? Yes, but even so, the rock was going to painted over sooner or later.”
There was no investigation as to who did it. Instead, Perrysburg let Friday night’s scoreboard settle the situation. The Jackets won the football game 42-27.
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